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City Minutes



City of Belvue

Belvue KS

Regular Council Meeting & Rezoning Petition Hearing

February 10th, 2025


Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Councilmen Kevin Fifer, Brad Caudill, Matt Barr & Clerks Joe Peterson & Denise Howard were present. Councilmembers Eric Linnebur & Jenice Howard were absent.


The Rezoning Petition Hearing was called to order at 7:04 pm. Local citizens expressed concern and reservations over the petition to rezone 409 Broadway from R-1 single family to R-3 multifamily. Chief concerns centered around where parking would be placed and whether it would leave sufficient area for proper traffic flow; the number of vehicles and units, which was thought to be too much for the lot; the impact of traffic on the families with children in the area; concerns about increased emergency response time and traffic backups when the train was passing; the development crowding the neighboring lots, and traffic flow from the development driving down the adjoining alley and private drive. Concerns were also expressed about the effectiveness of property management companies, and whether the City building permit process was robust enough to handle development of rezoned property. The consensus of citizens expressed that they were not opposed to something being built; a few thought 6-8 units would fit better on the lot, while allowing room for vehicle traffic, while one individual was in favor of a single family dwelling.


Mr Anthony Fifer, the petitioning party, pointed out that multifamily residences are taxed at three times the rate of single family residences, which would help lower taxes.


After discussion, the Council concluded that Mr Drippe would be best fitted to answer citizen questions and concerns after more concrete plans were made, and tabled the rezoning issue until a Meeting could be set up for the concerned parties, telling the Clerk to arrange a time and notify all parties involved.


City Clerk Denise Howard updated the Council that there were four online utility bill payments last month, and one account sent to collection had been paid off.


The City Superintendent updated the Council on receiving a quote for sewer line cleaning, and progress toward having road upkeep for the year quoted.


Bills for the month were read; Matt Barr made a motion to pay the bills, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


The Minutes from the previous Meeting were discussed; Brad Caudill made a motion to approve the Minutes, Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


At 8:10 pm, Brad Caudill made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue

Belvue KS

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

January 13th, 2025


Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Brad Caudill & Clerks Joe Peterson & Denise Howard were present. Councilmen Eric Linnebur & Matt Barr were absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm.


The Minutes from the previous Meeting were discussed; after minor spelling corrections, Brad Caudill made a motion to approve the Minutes, Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


City Clerk Denise Howard updated the Council that there were six online utility bill payments last month.


The City Superintendent updated the Council on the renewal of his water and sewer licenses by the Department of Health and Environment. Snow removal was discussed, the status of the City shop cleanup and the skid steer battery maintainer installation were covered.


The Council then moved on to business. The results of the survey of neighbors surrounding the 409 Broadway property that was petitioned for rezoning were discussed. Jenice Howard then made a motion to hold a public hearing for rezoning on February 10th. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously. The City Clerk will place public notice in the paper, and send notices to all adjoining properties within 200 ft of the petitioned rezoning.


Bills for the month were read; Kevin Fifer made a motion to pay the bills, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 7:29 pm, Kevin Fifer made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Jenice Howard seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS


 City of Belvue

Belvue, KS Regular Council Meeting

December 9, 2024



Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Council Members Brad Caudill, Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Matthew Barr and City Clerk Denise Howard. Guests included Mike Drippe and Anthony Fifer. Councilman Eric Linnebur and City Superintendent Joe Peterson were absent.


The meeting was called to order at 7:01pm.


Minutes of previous meeting were reviewed and discussed. No changes were identified. Kevin Fifer made motion to accept minutes as is; Brad Caudill seconded, motion passed unanimously.


City Clerk Denise Howard reported eleven online utility payments were received for previous month. Debt collection and adjudicated court case reimbursement payments have been received on a timely basis.


New business was addressed. Rezoning 409 Broadway from R1 to R3 has been requested by Mike Drippe. Mr Drippe spoke of the need for additional affordable housing in the city and Pottawatomie County. Mr Drippe stated that the water and sewer charges would be the responsibility of the landlord if that was agreeable with the city. A copy of the proposed building site and building(s) to be constructed were presented to council members. This included proposed parking. Mr Drippe stated that proposed plans would be modified if needs be.


Lengthy discussion pertaining to this issue then resumed. Concerns regarding the change in zoning included the drainage for parking, the need for two parking spaces per unit plus additional parking spaces. It was suggested parking be on the north side, but it was then mentioned that water tends to drain to that side. Blocking the alley way was also discussed at this time. Contact will be made to six citizens housed adjacent to property to receive their input. Brad Caudill volunteered to contact these individuals with a letter to be created explaining proposed change of zoning request. This issue will be readdressed at regular council meeting on January 13, 2025.


Moving forward with business, the cost of living adjustment for city employees was the next item discussed with a 2.5% (.75) cost of living increase proposed. This increase would go into effect with the January 2025 payroll. Discussion followed with all council members present agreeing that this increase was acceptable. Kevin Fifer made a motion to accept the proposed cost of living increase with Jenice Howard seconding. Motion passed unanimously.


Brad Caudill mentioned that a new light was required on the flagpole at the city office. Suggested purchasing a solar light at Harbor Freight with estimated cost of $40.00. City Clerk Denise Howard will address need with City Superintendent Joe Peterson.


The city employees’ Christmas bonus was discussed with a final amount of $150.00 being determined. Brad Caudill made motion to pay Christmas bonus of $150.00 at regular council meeting on January 13, 2025. Motion was seconded by Matthew Barr. Motion passed unanimously.


Renewal consecration of the city to the Immaculate Heart of Mary will be before the January 13, 2025 meeting. All wishing to attend should meet at the Fire Barn at 6:30 pm.


It was mentioned by Mayor James Horak that Morgan Riat (auctioneer) had agreed to auction off extra items in storage shed at a later date. The rate of commission for Mr Riat would be 20%. All agreed that was reasonable. Reading of the bills then took place. Kevin Fifer made motion to pay the bills with Brad Caudill seconding the motion. Motion passed unanimously.


At 8:09 pm, Brad Caudill made motion to adjourn the meeting. Motion was seconded by Matthew Barr. Motion passed unanimously.



Respectfully submitted,


Denise G Howard

City Clerk

City of Belvue, KS





City of Belvue

Belvue KS

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

November 11th, 2024


Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Matt Barr & Clerks Joe Peterson & Denise Howard were present. Councilmen Eric Linnebur & Brad Caudill were absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm.


The Minutes from the previous Meeting were discussed; Kevin Fifer made a motion to approve the Minutes, Matt Barr seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


City Clerk Denise Howard updated the Council that there were twelve online utility bill payments last month, that the delinquent utility account was receiving regular payments, and that there was one new home owner and two new renters who had set up utility accounts.


The City Superintendent updated the Council on the completion of the lagoon main cleanout access at the Lift Station. The new City truck is working well and has been used for branch cleanup and various projects. Progress continues on winterizing one of the rooms at the Park for taking water samples; plumbing has been completed, the insulating started. The reorganization at the City shop is progressing as time allows. After discussion, the Council was agreeable to contacting Foundation Reality to auction off extraneous materials.


Bills for the month were read; Matt Barr made a motion to pay the bills, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 7:24 pm, Matt Barr made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue

Belvue KS

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

October 14th, 2024


Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Brad Caudill, Matt Barr & Clerks Joe Peterson & Denise Howard were present. Councilman Eric Linnebur was absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.


Minutes from the previous Meeting were discussed; Matt Barr made a motion to approve the Minutes, one typo being corrected; Brad Caudill seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


City Clerk Denise Howard updated the Council that there were only six online utility bill payments last month, and that the delinquent utility account was receiving regular payments.


The City Superintendent updated the Council on the new Lead and Copper Rule Improvements as published by the EPA in early October. Much discussion ensued, but as details were lacking at the current time, the Superintendent will monitor the situation.


The Council then moved on to business. Councilman Brad Caudill had seen a few dump trucks that could be a match for City requirements, and after inspection and test driving, the superintendent presented the Council with information on one of them. The Council discussed rates, insurance, uses, and general condition of the truck, after which Kevin Fifer made a motion to procure the truck and accept Kaw Valley Bank’s 5 year loan offer, provided the City could negotiate for $1000 or greater reduction on the price of the truck, otherwise to accept a 6 year loan, if the price was negotiable less than $1000. Brad Caudill seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


Kevin Fifer the made a motion to transfer $30,000 from the old checking account to the current Kaw Valley account to cover expenses through the end of FY2024. Matt Barr seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


Bills for the month were read; Brad Caudill made a motion to pay the bills, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 7:53 pm, Kevin Fifer made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Matt Barr seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS



City of Belvue

Belvue KS

Revenue Neutral Hearing & Budget Session Meeting

September 9th, 2024


Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Brad Caudill, & Clerks Joe Peterson & Denise Howard were present. Councilmen Eric Linnebur and Matt Barr were absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm.


Minutes from the previous Meeting were discussed; Brad Caudill made a motion to approve the Minutes, Jenice Howard seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


City Clerk Denise Howard updated the Council that there were nine online utility bill payments last month, and that one delinquent utility account was receiving regular payments.


The City Superintendent updated the Council on locating and bringing all the water valves to the surface, with the exception of one that was on the edge of Highway 24, and that would require equipment to access. The edge of Anderson was profiled, and the back of the Fire Barn graded in preparation for chip and seal.


The Council then held the Proposal to Exceed Revenue Neutral Hearing. Jenice Howard made a motion to exceed the revenue neutral rate. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously on a show of hands.


Jenice Howard then made a motion to accept the proposed FY2025 budget as presented. Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Discussion moved to unpaid utility bills, with the Council instructing the Superintendent to turn off a resident who was not communicating with City personnel and very much in arrears, and for the Clerk to send a registered letter reminding them of previous payment agreements. There was also discussion of unkempt properties, the consensus being to investigate further and take action if warranted.


Bills for the month were read; Brad Caudill made a motion to pay the bills, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 8:03 pm, Kevin Fifer made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS



City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

August 12th, 2024


Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Brad Caudill, & Clerks Joe Peterson & Denise Howard were present. Councilmen Eric Linnebur and Matt Barr were absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.


Minutes from the previous Meeting were discussed; Brad Caudill made a motion to approve the Minutes, Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


City Clerk Denise Howard updated the Council that there were eight online utility bill payments last month, and that one delinquent utility account was receiving regular payments.


The City Superintendent updated the Council on the progress of dirt work and drainage at the lift station, that the vacuum pump setup had been upgraded, the vacuum pumps rebuilt, and the road to the lift station and lagoons graded.


The Council then took up business. One of the residents had received a letter, purportedly from the City, telling them to they had 30 days to remove a statue from their yard. The City had sent no such letter, and after examining it, the Council observed that it appeared someone had photocopied City letterhead and printed the letter on the copy. The Council recommended forwarding the letter to the Sheriff.


Fiscal Year 2025 Budget was the next item on the agenda. Mr Robert Awerkamp Jr, attending the Meeting, represented that the proposed FY 2025 Budget was a quite significant increase in taxes, and wondered if it was necessary. City Clerk Joe Peterson said that the 2025 numbers reflected 2024 expenditures, with known increases in vital areas. Much discussion ensued on the Councilmembers’ part, with suggestions of cutting or pushing back road maintenance, or using other methods of road repair, and whether this would lead to more expensive maintenance in the long term. The condition of Fire Barn parking lot was examined. The next item on the agenda, a bid for road work by Mid America Road Builders, was discussed. The necessity of equipment and City vehicles, as well as long term goals was examined.


Jenice Howard made a motion to bring the proposed FY2025 budget with the 21.760 mill levy to the Public Hearing on September 9th. Brad Caudill seconded, the motion passed unanimously on a show of hands.


Jenice Howard then made a motion to accept Mid America Road Builders bid, and to get washed chips for the project, total cost not to exceed $30,500 for the streets listed in the bid. Kevin Fifer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously on a show of hands.


The Council discussed whether to certify a special assessment for utilities owed by a delinquent account. It was decided that the City Clerk will contact them to better assess the situation, and try to get payment; in case of nonpayment, utilities will be terminated.

Brad Caudill brought up the issue of speeding cars and children on Anderson Ave and 5th St; Mayor James Horak brought up safety issues with vehicles being parked partially blocking Anderson, creating unsafe situations with Onyx vehicles and residents trying to drive get past, especially during morning hours. Jenice Howard made a motion to place 15 mph signs on the southeast corner of 5th St, the north end of Anderson Ave, just north of the railroad tracks on Anderson Ave to protect the children, and to put a no parking sign near the east intersection of Anderson Ave and Highway 24. Brad Caudill seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


The Council told City Superintendent Joe Peterson to proceed with the order of spare parts for the vacuum pumps at the lift station.


Bills for the month were read; Brad Caudill made a motion to pay the bills, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 10:12 pm, Brad Caudill made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

July 8th, 2024


Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Brad Caudill, Matt Barr, & Clerks Joe Peterson & Denise Howard were present. Councilman Eric Linnebur was absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm.


Minutes from the previous Meeting were discussed; Jenice Howard made a motion to approve the Minutes, Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


City Clerk Denise Howard updated the Council that there were eight online utility bill payments last month.


The Council then moved to business. Jenice Howard made a motion to transfer $40,000 from the Bennington account to the Kaw Valley State Bank checking account, and $12,000 from the Kaw Valley Utilities account to the Kaw Valley checking account to fund expenditures. After discussion, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously on a show of hands.


Discussion then moved on to the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget. Jenice Howard made a motion to send the County the current projected mill levy of 22.722 for budgeting purposes, but if cuts could be found, the final mill levy would be determined at the August 12th City Meeting. Brad Caudill seconded, the motion passed unanimously on a show of hands.


Bills for the month were read; Kevin Fifer made a motion to pay the bills, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 7:39 pm, Jenice Howard made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

Special Bill Pay Meeting June 7th, 2024


Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Council Members, Jenice Howard, Eric Linnebur, & Clerks Joe Peterson & Denise Howard were present. Councilmen Brad Caudill and Matt Barr were absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 6:13 pm.


Bills for the month were read; Eric Linnebur made a motion to pay the bills, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


A long discussion ensued about the sewer mains and possible expansion in the Paschall alley. The Superintendent was asked to look into the cost and feasibility of expanding at a future date.


At 6:48 pm, Jenice Howard made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS



City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

May 13th, 2024


Attendance: Acting Mayor Kevin Fifer, Council Members Jenice Howard, Brad Caudill, Matt Barr, & City Clerks Joe Peterson & Denise Howard were present. Mayor James Horak and Councilman Eric Linnebur were absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.


The Minutes from the April 8th Regular City Meeting were brought up for approval. Jenice Howard made a motion to approve the Minutes. Matt Barr seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


City Clerk Denise Howard reported that the emergency email list was mostly complete, 20 people had no email on file and would be added to the call list. There were two water accounts in collection, one is making payments with regularity, but there has been no word from the other.


City Superintendent Joe Peterson informed the Council he had requested quotes for the chip and seal projects in town.


The Council then moved on to business. Matt Barr made a motion to renew the City insurance with Elliott Insurance. Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Quotes were presented for repairs on the roofs of the lift station, the water pump house, and the City shop, all of which were leaking. Jenice Howard made a motion to accept the bid by JZ Construction for repairs to the pump house, and the bid by Andrew Fifer for repairs to the lift station roof. Matt Barr seconded, the motion passed unanimously on a show of hands. The Superintendent was asked to rework the bid for the City shop work, and return it at a later date.


The request for a replat at 201 Noble was reviewed. Jenice Howard made a motion to accept a replat of the property. Matt Barr seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


Bills for the month were read; Matt Barr made a motion to pay the bills, Jenice Howard seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 8:10 pm, Jenice Howard made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Matt Barr seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS



City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

April 8th, 2024


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Brad Caudill, Matt Barr, & Clerks Joe Peterson & Denise Howard were present. Councilman Eric Linnebur was absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:08 pm.


The Minutes from the March 11th Regular City Meeting and the March 14th Special Meeting were brought up for approval. Brad Caudill made a motion to approve the Minutes. Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


City Clerk Denise Howard reported that there were 6 online bill payments in March. Letters have been sent with the consumer confidence report that explain the boil water advisory and the increasing water rates.


City Superintendent Joe Peterson spoke briefly about the Rural Water Conference and the impending PFAS testing. After research and pricing inquiries, he recommended that the City wait on testing until the Kansas Health and Environmental Labs obtains their certification from the EPA, as at the current time, the testing is cost prohibitive and difficult to find a lab qualified to test.


The Council then moved on to business. Councilwoman Jenice Howard inquired about the current system of City employees tracking hours for payroll, comparing it with the Kansas Department of Labor Standards. She subsequently made the motion to implement a process that all City employees and vendors paid hourly record those hours, sign them, and that the City would keep those papers in the files. Matt Barr seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


Road work and patching on Jeanette, Olive, Anderson, and the City Fire Barn Lot were discussed. After explaining drainage issues at certain locations in town, City Superintendent Joe Peterson informed the Council that the skidsteer was not able to be used adequately for dirtwork, as the toothed bucket had been bent while pushing up the brush pile. The Council told him to obtain quotes for a new bucket for the next Meeting, and to obtain quotes for street repairs and parking lot repairs at the Fire Barn.


Bills for the month were read; Kevin Fifer made a motion to pay the bills, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 8:33 pm, Brad Caudill made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue

Belvue KS Special Council Meeting

March 14th, 2024


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Brad Caudill & Clerks Joe Peterson & Denise Howard were present. Councilmen Eric Linnebur and Matt Barr were absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 6:15 pm.


The Onyx Collection’s revised design for planned expansion north of the current production building was reviewed. The updated design left sufficient room for semi parking without blocking Broadway, all other dimensions were found satisfactory regarding zoning and were unchanged. Kevin Fifer made a motion to approve the building permit, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 6:18 pm, Brad Caudill made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS



City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

March 11th, 2024


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Brad Caudill & Clerks Joe Peterson & Denise Howard were present. Councilman Eric Linnebur was present remotely, while Councilman Matt Barr was absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm.


The Minutes from the February 12th Regular City Meeting were discussed. Jenice Howard made a motion that the January Minutes be amended to read that the “City Clerk report presented during the Council Meeting should be documented in the City Minutes”. The proposed Minutes being amended, Brad Caudill made a motion to approve of them. Jenice Howard seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


City Clerk Denise Howard reported that one person was turned over to debt collection, raising the total of those turned over for unpaid utility bills to six. One person paid immediately, one has made regular payments, and the others are being contacted by the debt agency with no results as of yet. There were 8 online bill payments in February.


City Superintendent Joe Peterson informed the Council that he would be attending the Kansas Rural Water Conference in Wichita this month in view of obtaining the continuing education hours necessary to renew his water and sewer licenses. He brought up the office printer, which has been temperamental of late; the Council told him to obtain a new one capable of color printing. The utility billing software was due for a contract renewal, which the Council agreed should be done.


Mr Robert Awerkamp from the Onyx Collection presented a request for a building permit for an expansion to the north of the current production building. After discussion of truck traffic and parking on Broadway, he determined to speak with his engineering department in hopes of finding a better solution for the loading dock.


The Evergy easement at the boat ramp was the next order of business; the Clerk touched briefly on the highlights of additions to the Evergy easement documents concerning the encroachment allowing the City light pole, and addendums clarifying that Evergy would clear cut any trees in the easement right of way; subsequent to the Council discussion of whether to pass the easement as written, Kevin Fifer made a motion to accept the easement as written, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Mowing bids for the City properties were presented by Guy on a Tractor and Sunbyrne mowing. After weighing value and prices offered, Kevin Fifer made a motion to accept Sunbyrne’s bid. Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Discussion moved to the ball diamond usage. Jenice Howard made the motion to obtain Signup Genius to schedule field usage as done last year. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


Bills for the month were read; Brad Caudill made a motion to pay the bills, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 8:27pm, Brad Caudill made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

February 12th, 2024


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Matt Barr, Brad Caudill & Clerks Joe Peterson & Denise Howard were present. Councilman Eric Linnebur was present remotely.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:06 pm.


The Minutes from the January 8th Regular City Meeting were brought up for approval. Councilwoman Jenice Howard stated that the Minutes should contain documentation of the City Clerk’s report presented during the Council Meeting. Discussion ensued as to whether the Minutes for January ought to be amended, after which Matt Barr made the motion to approve the January Minutes as written, with the stipulation that statistics with names redacted would be reported in the City Minutes going forward. Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


City Clerk Denise Howard reported that one person who was 9 months delinquent on utility bills was turned over to collection. There were 9 online bill payments in January. The City reimbursement for the court case was up to date. The letter regarding increased water rates and details on the Pottawatomie Emergency Management and Kansas Department of Health and Environment information for local emergencies is mostly composed, and progress continues on the City email database.


City Superintendent Joe Peterson informed the Council that the water tower was completely functional again, and work was shifting to obtaining spare parts and trying to find a contractor to work on the telemetry alarm system.


Evergy asked the City for an easement to run their lines across the river near the boat ramp. After discussion, the Council asked the Superintendent to convey to Evergy they would like any agreement to contain the stipulation that Evergy have any trees that need to be trimmed cut back to the ground; they also asked the Superintendent to take pictures of any overhanging or branches touching wires in town and forward those to Evergy with the view of having them taken care of. The vote on the easement will take place at the March 11th City Meeting.


Mayor James Horak asked if the City was willing to sell bulk water to local farmers for spraying fields. After much talk, the Council arrived at the conclusion that it was feasible to try; Jenice Howard made the motion that, subject to change anytime on the City’s part, the bulk water would be sold to any interested local farmers under the following conditions: a $30 setup fee; the rate was established at the residential rate of $9 per thousand gallons; and that there would be no direct hookup to spraying equipment. Brad Caudill seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


Jenice Howard made a motion to enter executive session from 8:39-8:50pm to discuss personnel matters. Brad Caudill seconded, the motion passed unanimously. After coming out of executive session, Jenice Howard made the motion to increase the Superintendent’s hourly wage to match the City Clerk’s; to give a 3.2% cost of living adjustment to the City personnels’ wages, which would then be $30.07 per hour; and to make the cost of living adjustment retroactive to January, which in normally when cost of living adjustments are discussed. Kevin Fifer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously on a show of hands.


Bills for the month were read; Kevin Fifer made a motion to pay the bills, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 8:58m, Kevin Fifer made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

January 8th, 2024


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Matt Barr, Brad Caudill & Clerks Joe Peterson & Denise Howard were present. Councilman Eric Linnebur was absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm.


The Minutes from the December 11th Regular City Meeting were approved; Matt Barr made the motion to approve, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


City Clerk Joe Peterson informed the Council of a request that the property at 409 Broadway be condemned. After short discussion, the Council concluded that it did not have sufficient reason in the form of a clear and present threat to health or safety to condemn the property, but asked the City Clerks to obtain copies of the executor’s paperwork for the City files.


The City Superintendent updated the Council on the ongoing issues with the water tower telemetry, and progress in having Maguire Iron come to look it over. The lift station has been serviced for the year, and no major repairs were necessary.


The Council then moved on to business; there was discussion as to whether it was possible to include missing Council members to the Meetings by phone or Zoom. City Clerk Joe Peterson will research the possibilities.


After discussion of the progress on the camera network at City infrastructure sites, Jenice Howard made a motion to allot up to $3,500 for the project, which would allow supplies to be obtained and tested before installation. Matt Barr seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


Bills for the month were read; Brad Caudill made a motion to pay the bills, Matt Barr seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Brad Caudill asked that the City to do something about the drainage problem at the Post Office. City Clerk Joe Peterson will coordinate with Onyx to address the issue.


The City Council will discuss personnel wages and COLA at the February Meeting.


At 8:02 pm, Matt Barr made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

December 11th, 2023


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Matt Barr, & Clerks Joe Peterson & Denise Howard were present. Councilmen Eric Linnebur and Brad Caudill were absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm.


The Minutes from the November 13th Regular City Meeting were approved; Kevin Fifer made the motion to approve, Jenice Howard seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


The Council then moved on to business; Francis Awerkamp and Loretta Lopez asked for a building permit for a planned expansion at Loretta’s Artisinal Bakery and Cafe. After examining plans, setbacks, potential neighborhood impacts, and utilities, Jenice Howard made a motion to approve the permit. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


City Clerk Joe Peterson presented a notice from Rural Water informing the City of a $0.50 per thousand gallon rate increase effective January 1st. After discussion about the impact on utility bills, which would see the average customer’s bill increase by $2.50 a month, Kevin Fifer made a motion to match the rate increase in the City’s water rates beginning with the January water usage that would be billed in February. Matt Barr seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Bills for the month were read; Matt Barr made a motion to pay the bills, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 8:08 pm, Kevin Fifer made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Jenice Howard seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS


City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

November 13th, 2023


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Brad Caudill, & Clerks Joe Peterson & Denise Howard were present. Councilmen Eric Linnebur and Matt Barr were absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.


The Minutes from the October 9th Regular City Meeting were approved; Brad Caudill made the motion to approve, Jenice Howard seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


The City Superintendent updated the Council on progress made towards getting the security cameras at the burn pile working again.


Kevin Fifer made a motion to rent equipment from Horak Repair to fix the ouside lights and clean gutters at the Fire Barn. Brad Caudill seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


The Council then moved to Christmas decorations. Jenice and Denise Howard kindly volunteered to decorate at the welcome signs and the Fire Barn. Banners are being designed, and will be presented at the Dec 11th Meeting. The Council expressed approbation of the work, and offered to help defray some of the expense, if needed.


Jenice Howard made a motion to approve up to $3000 for the City security project; this would cover installation of cameras and antennas to monitor the City infrastructure and the possibility of checking equipment remotely. Brad Caudill seconded, motion passed unanimously.


Bills for the month were read; Jenice Howard made a motion to pay the bills, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 7:30 pm, Kevin Fifer made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

October 9th, 2023


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Matt Barr, Brad Caudill, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, & City Clerk Denise Howard were present. Councilman Eric Linnebur was absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.


The Minutes from the September 11th & 25th Regular City Meeting were approved; Kevin Fifer made the motion to accept them, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


The City Clerk asked the Council signatories to transfer money between accounts. After discussion, Jenice Howard made a motion to transfer $25,000 from the Bennington account to Kaw Valley State Bank to cover expenses through the end of the year. Kevin Fifer seconded, motion passed unanimously on a show of hands.


City Superintendent Joe Peterson notified the Council that he would be stepping away from his position as full time Superintendent on November 1st. He will stay on as contract operator for the water and sewer utilities, and as City Clerk. Jenice Howard made a motion to change the structure of his pay from salary to an hourly rate of $28.66 and $500 a month for the water and wastewater license fees. Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously on a show of hands.


Bills for the month were read; Kevin Fifer made a motion to pay the bills, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 7:30 pm, Matt Barr made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue KS

Revenue Neutral Hearing & Budget Session Meeting

September 25th, 2023


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Brad Caudill, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, & City Clerk Denise Howard were present. Councilmen Eric Linnebur and Matt Barr were absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm.


The Revenue Neutral Hearing was brought up. Jenice Howard made a motion to reject Resolution 9-2023, which would have raised the property tax levy to exceed the revenue neutral rate. Brad Caudill seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


The Council then moved on to the FY2024 Budget. Kevin Fifer made a motion to pass the budget, not exceeding the revenue neutral rate, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously on a show of hands.


The Superintendent spoke to the Council about getting a tree by the Fire Barn removed due to large cracks developing in limbs overhanging the Fire Barn and the City Shop. He submitted a quote from a local tree service for complete removal. The Council considered the quote too expensive, and preferred to rent equipment, having the City crew and volunteers remove it. The Council having referenced the Kansas League of Municipalities Handbook for any potential conflict of interest, Kevin Fifer made a motion to rent equipment from Horak Repair; Brad Caudill seconded the motion, which passed unanimously on a show of hands.


At 7:57 pm, Brad Caudill made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue KS

Revenue Neutral Hearing, Budget Session, & Bill Pay Meeting

September 11th, 2023


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Brad Caudill, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, & City Clerk Denise Howard were present. Councilmen Eric Linnebur and Matt Barr were absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.


The Revenue Neutral Hearing and Budget Session was brought up. Brad Caudill made a motion to recess the Revenue Neutral Hearing & Budget Session to September 25th. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


The Minutes from the August 14th Regular City Meeting were approved; Jenice Howard made the motion to accept them, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


The Superintendent asked the Council about getting a ‘utility work ahead’ sign for valve maintenance and exercising on Hwy 24. The Council told him to get two.


Bills for the month were read; Kevin Fifer made a motion to pay the bills, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 7:39 pm, Jenice Howard made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS



City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

August 14th, 2023


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Matt Barr, Brad Caudill, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, & City Clerk Denise Howard were present. Councilman Eric Linnebur was absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.


The Minutes from the July 10th Regular City Meeting were approved; Brad Caudill made the motion to accept them, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


The Superintendent updated the Council on the chip and seal project, the success of the sewer main cleaning, and that the main water meter is now set up to read remotely.


Bills for the month were read; Kevin Fifer made a motion to pay the bills, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 7:40 pm, Brad Caudill made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Matt Barr seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS



City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

July 10th, 2023


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Matt Barr, Brad Caudill, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, & City Clerk Denise Howard were present. Councilman Eric Linnebur was absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm.


The Minutes from the June 12th Regular City Meeting were approved; Kevin Fifer made the motion to accept them, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


The Superintendent updated the Council on the phone menu system and on the progress being made in bringing sewer manholes to the surface south of Onyx.


The Council then moved to business. Kevin Fifer made a motion of approve a bid for sewer cleaning and video by Mayer LLC. Brad Caudill seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


The Council hear a proposal from City Clerk Joe Peterson to establish a multiyear utility depreciation fund to support emergency sewer and water repairs, begin saving for eventual replacements, and allow a more accurate sewer and water budget. Jenice Howard made a motion to pass Resolution 07-2023, which established the fund, while capping it at $75,000. Kevin Fifer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously on a show of hands.


Jenice Howard made a motion to set the Fiscal Year 2024 Revenue Neutral Rate and Budget Hearing for September 11, 2023 at 7 pm at the Belvue Fire Barn. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


Kevin Fifer made a motion to get washed limestone chips for the chip and seal project from Mid State Material. Brad Caudill seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


Bills for the month were read; Matt Barr made a motion to pay the bills, Brad Caudill seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


At 8 pm, Matt Barr made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS



City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

June 12th, 2023


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Eric Linnebur, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, & City Clerk Denise Howard were present. Councilmen Matt Barr was absent. Brad Caudill was also in attendance.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.


The Minutes from the May 8th Regular City Meeting were approved; Kevin Fifer made the motion to accept them, Jenice Howard seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


The Superintendent updated the Council on the situation with the lagoons and his meeting with an engineer. He informed the Council that the main water valve had been maintained for the year, and that the Park swings had been installed.


The Council then moved to business. The derooting bid for targeted areas of the sewer system was presented by the Superintendent. Jenice Howard made a motion to accept the bid by Dukes Inc to deroot areas of identified risk. Kevin Fifer seconded, motion passed unanimously.


Mayor James Horak notified the Council that Kevin Jones had resigned from the Council, and nominated Brad Caudill to fulfill the remainder of Kevin Jones’ term as Councilman. Jenice Howard made a motion to accept the nomination, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously on a show of hands.


Bills for the month were read; Kevin Fifer made a motion to pay the bills, Eric Linnebur seconded, motion passed unanimously.


At 7:50 pm, Eric Linnebur made a motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS



City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

May 8th, 2023


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Matt Barr, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, & City Clerk Denise Howard were present. Councilmen Eric Linnebur and Kevin Jones were absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.


The Minutes from the April 10th Regular City Meeting were approved with corrections; Jenice Howard made the motion to accept them, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Kevin Fifer made a motion to move $85,000 from the Bennington account to the Kaw Valley State Bank to cover the City expenses, particularly the work on the water tower. Jenice Howard seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


The Superintendent stated that the erosion control on the lagoon was about halfway complete.


Mrs Mumaw had a large water leak in the water meter pit. Matt Barr made the motion to forgive the amount due for the leak, and send amount for the average bill. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


The Superintendent brought a quote for washed limestone chips, which is a lower dust solution for chip & sealing the roads. The Council thought the bid was too expensive, and asked the Superintendent to speak with St Marys about their road sealing process.


Kevin Fifer brought up the property at 409 Broadway, which needs a cleanup and which is becoming a health and safety concern. He asked that a lawyer be contacted to draft a letter, that previous correspondence be collected, and that photos be taken. After further discussion, the property at 116 Jeanette was also added, and letters were to be sent to the property owners as well. Kevin Fifer made the motion to go ahead with the process, Matt Barr seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


The Bills for the month were read, after which Matt Barr made a motion to pay the bills. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


At 8:25 pm, Jenice Howard made the motion to adjourn the Meeting, Matt Barr seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS





City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

April 10th, 2023


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Kevin Jones, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, & City Clerk Denise Howard were present. Councilmen Eric Linnebur and Matt Barr were absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:07 pm.


The Minutes from the February 13th Regular City Meeting and the March 16th Emergency Bill Pay Meeting were approved; Kevin Fifer made the motion to accept them, Kevin Jones seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


City Clerk Denise Howard brought the issue of check overdrafts for utility payments to the Council’s attention. After discussion, the Council opted to look at options for including a “per account overdraft in a specific time frame” language for the City of Belvue.


The City Superintendent Joe Peterson passed his wastewater examination and now has his operator’s license. Jenice Howard made a motion for pay him $300 a month for being licensed as the City’s wastewater operator. Kevin Fifer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


The issue of the Park toilets came up. The one of the current toilets leaks from the seals, the other has a cracked bowl. The Council stated this falls within the Mayor’s discretionary spending, and to get new toilets.


Discussion moved to chip and seal projects. Jenice Howard made the motion to accept Mid America Road Builders quote for the project, Kevin Jones seconded, the motion passed unanimously. The Council tasked the Superintendent with finding a ‘low dust’ option for the roads this year.


Kevin Jones made the motion to purchase 200 tons of rock from Bayer Quarries to repair erosion damage at the lagoon, with Joe Crow Trucking acting as haulier. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


The quote for sewer line derooting was tabled until the Superintendent could identify priority areas and re present the updated quote.


The quote for targeted sewer main cleaning was likewise tabled until the derooting is completed.


The City accepted the bid for mowing presented by Guy on a Tractor. Kevin Fifer made the motion to accept, Kevin Jones seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


The Council asked the Superintendent to separate the street signs bid into signs that aren’t there and need to be installed, and those needing replacement. They would like to ensure the font on the new signs match with existing signs, and will circle back to the issue at a later date.


Quotes for a replacement for the rock climbing wall at the Park were tabled pending new ideas.

Jenice Howard made a motion to replace the main water meter external battery pack. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


Kevin Jones made a motion to grant a $10 utility credit to anyone who qualifies and is willing to take a lead and copper sample. Jenice Howard seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


The County offered up to $500 for Parks and Recreation spending. Jenice Howard made a motion to accept and use the money to replace the current swings at the Park, which are cracking. Kevin Fifer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


The Bills for the month were read, after which Kevin Fifer made a motion to pay the bills. Kevin Jones seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


At 9:22 pm, Jenice Howard made the motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue

Belvue KS Emergency Bill Pay Meeting

March 16th, 2022


Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Eric Linnebur, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, & City Clerk Denise Howard were present. Councilmen Kevin Jones and Matt Barr were absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 5:31 pm.


The Council discussed the quote from Elliott Insurance for the City’s coverage in 2023. Kevin Fifer made a motion to accept the bid. Jenice Howard seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


The Bills for the month were read, after which Eric Linnebur made a motion to pay the bills. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


At 5:51 pm, Kevin Fifer made the motion to adjourn the Meeting, Eric Linnebur seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




The March 13th Regular Council Meeting was cancelled due to illness and a lack of a quorum.




City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

February 13th, 2023


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Eric Linnebur, Matt Barr, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, & City Clerk Denise Howard were present. Councilman Kevin Jones was absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.


The Minutes from the January 9th City Meeting were approved; Kevin Fifer made the motion to accept them, Matt Barr seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


The City Superintendent asked about getting rock to fill in several eroded spots along the lagoons. The Council asked him to obtain quotes and bring it up at the next Meeting.


The Council congratulates the Superintendent on getting his water operator’s license. Jenice Howard made the motion to raise his pay by $200 month for providing the license, as per previous agreement. Eric Linnebur seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


Discussion moved to debt collection. Eric Linnebur made a motion to accept Midwest Fidelity Service for debt collection on long outstanding utility bills. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


Jenice Howard made a motion to allot $6,400 to DC&B and USA BlueBook for plumbing supplies for the City, consisting of meters, meter pits, aantennas, meter loops, valve boxes and cover, and other necessities. Eric Linnebur seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


Eric Linnebur made a motion to approve of an additional 50 utility accounts, and to pay the yearly renewal fee to Jayhawk Utility for $850 for utility billing software. Matt Barr seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


Fire Barn usage was discussed, the consensus being to have the Clerks make a form and checklist for anyone wishing to use the Fire Barn for events or sales to fill out.


After reviewing various online phone systems for a menu with forwarding options, Eric Linnebur made a motion to accept Grasshopper for $28/mo for the City’s phone needs. Kevin Fifer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


To make scheduling the ball diamond easier, Jenice Howard made a motion to utilize SignupGenius, a scheduling app, on a monthly basis for March-June. Eric Linnebur seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


The Bills for the month were read, after which Kevin Fifer made a motion to pay the bills. Matt Barr seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


At 8:47 pm, Kevin Fifer made the motion to adjourn the Meeting, Matt Barr seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS



City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

January 9th, 2023


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Kevin Jones, Eric Linnebur, Matt Barr, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, & City Clerk Denise Howard were present.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm.


The Minutes from the December 12th City Meeting were approved; Kevin Fifer made the motion to accept them, Jenice Howard seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


The City Superintendent brought up the idea of obtaining a phone menu that could route calls to a cell phone for more timely responses to utility emergencies. Kevin Jones suggested using an online service like TalkRoute, the Council asked that the Superintendent research and report his findings at the Feb. 13th Meeting.


Discussion moved to the usage of the Ball Diamond at the City Park. Previously, usage was scheduled by contacting the City Clerk, who would add the dates and times desired to a calendar. Due to increased demand, the current system doesn’t allow the flexibility needed. The Council asked for more research on an app that would allow online scheduling with reminders and scheduled start dates.


The Council then moved on to the Noble alley relocation north of Highway 24. Jenice Howard made a motion to accept a plat as presented by Force Surveying on behalf of Ag Partners Co-op that would relocate the current Noble alley from north of the apartments to the railroad tracks. The north part of the current alley will be vacated, and a new alley will intersect Broadway and the current alley to the north of the apartment building. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously on a show of hands.


The Bills for the month were read, after which Kevin Fifer made a motion to pay the bills. Kevin Jones seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


At 8:09 pm, Matt Barr made the motion to adjourn the Meeting, Eric Linnebur seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

December 12th, 2022


Attendance:Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Kevin Jones, and City Superintendent Joe Peterson were present. Councilmen Eric Linnebur and Matt Barr, as well as City Clerk Denise Howard, were absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.


The Minutes from the November 14th City Meeting were approved; Kevin Fifer made the motion to accept them, Kevin Jones seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Mr Joe Syrokosz attended the Meeting to request that the five water meters at his rental property be reduced to four as per the original agreement with the City. After discussion, the Council agreed to honor the original arrangement.


The Council then moved on to business. Mr and Mrs Dennis Dillon and Nathan Schleif attended the Meeting to update the Council with information related to their request for a building permit. After discussions on zoning, location, and foundations, Kevin Fifer made a motion to approve the building permit. Jenice Howard seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


City Superintendent Joe Peterson presented the Council with the new City of Belvue security magnets, the new anti vandalism signs that will be placed at the Park, and updated them on the progress of the yearly newsletter. The Council asked to be emailed the letter for review before it was sent out.


Discussion moved to security. Councilman Kevin Jones gave a technical update, and an overall picture of short term goals.


The Bills for the month were read, after which Kevin Fifer made a motion to pay the bills. Kevin Jones seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


At 9:07 pm, Kevin Fifer made the motion to adjourn the Meeting, Jenice Howard seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting & Flood Plain Hearing

November 14th, 2022


Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Eric Linnebur, Matt Barr, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, and City Clerk Denise Howard were present. Councilman Kevin Jones was absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm.


The Minutes from the October 10th City Meeting were approved; Matt Barr made the motion to accept them, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


City Clerk Denise Howard gave an update on KanPay, an online payment processor owned by the State that would allow the City to receive utility payments online. The Council will have a work session to sift through the details in the paperwork.


City Superintendent Joe Peterson brought the Council up to date on the KDHE inspection of water and sewer paperwork and facilities. While several minor deficiencies were noted with the paperwork, the State was happy with the progress being made.


The Council then moved on to business. The subject of a building permit for Dennis Dillon was brought up, and the City’s utility policy as regards what the City provides in case of utility hookups. The intent of the policy was to provide a meter, meter pit, antenna, and cover at no cost for in-town connections, but the wording could be interpreted to mean the City would pay for the cost of tapping the mains. The Council recommended a work session to clarify the wording of the policy.


Mr Joe Syrokosz asked to have a water meter eliminated at his rental property. He was unable to attend the Meeting, so after discussion, it was decided to table the matter until he could attend to answer questions.


The Flood Plain Ordinance, 11-2022, was brought up. After asking for comments from the citizens attending, Eric Linnebur made a motion to accept the adoption of the ordinance as Article 9 of Zoning, replacing the previous Article 9, which dealt with flood zones. Matt Barr seconded, the motion passed unanimously on a show of hands.


The Council then entered Executive session for 15 minutes, Matt Barr making the motion, with Kevin Fifer seconding.


At the close of the executive session, Eric Linnebur made the motion to approve an 8% cost of living adjustment to the City employees wages. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously. City Superintendent Joe Peterson’s salary also reflects a 33 ½ hour work week, instead of the 23 hours previously estimated.


The Bills for the month were read, after which Eric Linnebur made a motion to pay the bills. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


At 8:59 pm, Eric Linnebur made the motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

October 10th, 2022


Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Kevin Jones, Matt Barr, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, and City Clerk Denise Howard were present. Councilman Eric Linnebur was absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:01 pm.


The Minutes from the September 12th City Meeting were approved; Kevin Fifer made the motion to accept them, Jenice Howard seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Mr Dillon asked for a building permit for 106 Kaycee. After discussion, it was determined that the details were lacking, so no permit was issued until such time as house placement is worked out.


Loretta Lopez asked about the possibility of having a rental on her property at some future time. The Council believed it could be possible, but asked her to come back when she decides what she would like to do.


City Clerk Joe Peterson asked the Council for permission to transfer certain security expenditures from the General Fund to the Capital Improvement Fund. The Council decided to do so, with up an additional $2500 in new expenditures authorized for the year, $1000 of which was to be paid to Kevin Jones for programming and setup. Jenice Howard made the motion for the transfer, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously, with Kevin Jones abstaining.


The Bills for the month were read, after which Matt Barr made a motion to pay the bills. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


At 8:38 pm, Matt Barr made the motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

September 12th, 2022


Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Kevin Jones, Eric Linnebur, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, and City Clerk Denise Howard were present. Councilman Matt Barr was absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:19 pm.


The Minutes from the August 8th City Meeting were approved; Kevin Fifer made the motion to accept them, Jenice Howard seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


The Council then moved on to the Fiscal Year 2023 Revenue Neutral Hearing and Budget. Kevin Fifer made a motion to exceed the Revenue Neutral Rate, Kevin Jones seconded, and the motion passed unanimously on a show of hands. The Budget was then unanimously passed on a show of hands, Kevin Fifer motioning to approve, Eric Linnebur seconding the motion.


The Council then approved a building permit with a variance for a setback shorter than 25 ft. at 117 Olive, allowing the house to line up with existing residences on the street. Jenice Howard made the motion to approve the permit with a variance, Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


The Council was updated by City Clerk Denise Howard and Councilman Kevin Jones on Kan Pay, an online portal that would allow residents to pay for utilities on line. After discussion, Kevin Fifer made a motion to set the City up with Kan Pay online, while leaving the discussion about allowing a card reader at the office for a later time. Eric Linnebur seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


City Superintendent Joe Peterson asked for permission to order a hydrant meter and gate valve for $932.70 to help keep track of water for the State reports when exercising hydrants, and for bulk water sales. Kevin Fifer made a motion to approve the procuration, Kevin Jones seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


The Bills for the month were read, after which Eric Linnebur made a motion to pay the bills. Kevin Jones seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


At 8:56 pm, Eric Linnebur made the motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Jones seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

August 8th, 2022


Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Kevin Jones, Matt Barr, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, and City Clerk Denise Howard were present. Councilman Eric Linnebur was absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm.


The City Minutes from the July 11th City Meeting were approved; Jenice Howard made the motion to accept them, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


The Council members heard a proposal from Weston Moody, who wanted to buy the ball diamond. The Council turned down the proposal, but decided to inaugurate a new sign up system that would open park usage a week in advance.


After bank account balance updates, Jenice Howard made a motion to transfer $80,000 from the Bennington account to the Kaw Valley checking account to cover expenditures until the end of the year. Kevin Fifer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously on a show of hands.


The Council then discussed amending the water policy, but decided to enforce it more aggressively, telling the City Clerk to obtain a rubber stamp informing delinquent customers of the date the water would be shut off.


Discussion then moved the Flood Plain Ordinance, as required by FEMA for participation in the NFIP. After short review, it was decided to set up a work session for review of the Ordinance.


Councilman Kevin Jones gave an update on the security situation in town. A solar generator has been assembled, and the project is ready for the pole to be installed at the burn site.


The Bills for the month were read, after which Kevin Fifer made a motion to pay the bills. Matt Barr seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


At 9:15, Matt Barr made the motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Jones seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

July 11th, 2022


Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Kevin Jones, Eric Linnebur, Matt Barr, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, and City Clerk Denise Howard were present.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm.


The City Minutes from the June 13th City Meeting were approved; Eric Linebur made the motion to accept them, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


The Council members heard a proposal from a group of coaches who use the ball diamond to take over maintenance, upkeep, and scheduling at the City Park. No action was taken at this time.


The Council reviewed the proposed budget for FY2023. After discussion, Matt Barr made a motion to accept exceeding the revenue neutral rate and publishing the proposed budget hearing and revenue neutral hearing date and time. Eric Linnebur seconded the motion, which passed unanimously on a show of hands.


Business moved to chip and seal bids. Kevin Fifer made a motion to accept Mid American Road Builders bid of $35,508.55 for chip and seal on the roads on the south side of town. Matt Barr seconded the motion, which passed unanimously on a show of hands.


A bid by Maguire Iron for water tower wash down inspection and patch on the wet interior, upgrades and paint on the dry interior, was then reviewed. Eric Linnebur made a motion to accept the bid, Kevin Jones seconded, the motion passed on a unanimous show of hands.


There was a discussion on procuring poles and cameras for the City security system. Matt Barr made a motion to allow up to $3,000 for security this year, with cameras installed at the burn pile first to prevent unauthorized dumping. Eric Linnebur seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


Discussion then moved to the water and sewer rates. City Superintendent Joe Peterson presented maps of sewer work needing to be done, and explained the situation of the negative sewer budget. After discussion, Jenice Howard made a motion to raise the sewer flat rate by $4, and pass on the price increase the City received from Rural Water of $.50 per thousand gallon of usage. Eric Linnebur seconded, motion passed unanimously on a hand vote. The average bill is expected to rise $7.50 per month.


The Bills for the month were read, after which Eric Linnebur made a motion to pay the bills. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


At 8:37, Kevin Fifer made the motion to adjourn the Meeting, Eric Linnebur seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS




City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

June 13th, 2022


Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Kevin Jones, Eric Linnebur, Matt Barr, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, and City Clerk Denise Howard were present.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm.


The City Minutes from the May 9th City Meeting were approved; Matt Barr made the motion to accept them, Kevin Fifer seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


There was a brief update by the City Clerks on progress made setting up a meeting with Kendall McVey, a lawyer, and the timeline of the budget and meetings with the accountant.


Discussion moved to the condition of the alleys. Jenice Howard made the motion to obtain gravel to re- gravel the Jeanette, Paschall, and Olive St alleys, the cost not to exceed $5000. Eric Linnebur seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


The City Superintendent updated the Council that he had sent out bid requests for the chip & seal project to two companies, but had received a bid from just one. The same situation had occurred with the water tower project. The Council asked him to continue to try contacting the non-bidding companies.


Councilman Kevin Jones that spoke about the progress he made on pricing the cameras and network supplies for the boat ramp, burn pile, and park. He thought the total should be close to $2500.


The Onyx Collection requested a building permit for a new warehouse to the south of the current location. After discussion, Kevin Jones made the motion to grant the permit. Kevin Fifer seconded, motion passed unanimously on a show of hands. The Superintendent was asked to request that any exterior lighting installed would be shielded.


The Bills for the month were read, after which Jenice Howard made a motion to pay the bills. Eric Linnebur seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


At 8:37, Eric Linnebur made the motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Jones seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS





City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

May 9th, 2022


Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Eric Linnebur, Jenice Howard, Matt Barr, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, and City Clerk Denise Howard were present. Councilman Kevin Jones was absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:04 pm.


The City Minutes from the April 11th City Meeting were approved; Jenice Howard made the motion to accept them as written, Eric Linnebur seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


There was a brief update from City Clerk Denise Howard regarding delinquent utility bills and the current process of using registered mail, which is costly, and often inefficient. After discussion, Eric Linnebur made the motion to amend the City of Belvue Utility Policy to make registered postage in the mailing of delinquency notices optional, at the discretion of the City Council and Clerks. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


The City Superintendent notified the Council that he had requested bids for chip & seal from Circle C Paving and Mid America Road Builders. Requests for updated bids on water tower maintenance and upgrades were also sent out.


The cleanup after the tornado was complete on streets and City property, with the exception of the roof repair of the former water treatment building.


The City Council then moved on to business. Matt Barr made a motion to accept a bid for mowing City properties by Guy on a Tractor. Kevin Fifer seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.


Due to a recent spate of vacations and storm damage repair, discussion moved to account signatories and emergency spending limits. The Council reviewed, amended, and passed Resolution 04-2022, the City of Belvue Financial Policy, to clarify emergency and discretionary spending limits, when emergency meetings should be called, and account signatories. Jenice Howard made the motion to accept, Eric Linnebur seconded, and the motion passed unanimously on a show of hands.


The Bills for the month were read, after which Eric Linnebur made a motion to pay the bills. Kevin Fifer seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


At 8:28 pm, Matt Barr made the motion to adjourn the Meeting, Eric Linnebur seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS





City of Belvue

Belvue KS Regular Council Meeting

April 11th, 2022


Attendance: Mayor James Horak, Council Members Kevin Fifer, Jenice Howard, Kevin Jones, City Superintendent Joe Peterson, and City Clerk Denise Howard were present. Councilmen Eric Linnebur and Matt Barr were absent.


The Meeting was called to order at 7:14 pm.


The City Minutes from the March 14th City Meeting were approved; Kevin Fifer made the motion to accept them, Jenice Howard seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


There was a brief update by the City Superintendent on current projects, then the Meeting moved to business.


The Onyx Collection petitioned for an area south of the current factory to be annexed into the City. After discussion about future plans, development, and City infrastructure, Kevin Fifer made the motion to annex the 15.4 acres into the City. Kevin Jones seconded the motion, which passed unanimously on a show of hands.


The City Superintendent then presented bids on upgrading the door of the Fire Barn with a panic bar, that would add security, allow exit without needing a key, and keep the door shut in windy conditions without having to lock it. The Council decided that it was a better value to keep the existing door and replace hardware for $1193, as quoted by D. H. Pace. Kevin Fifer made the motion to accept the bid, Jenice Howard seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


The City Superintendent then presented a bid for mowing by Sunbyrne LLC. The Council asked the Superintendent to get a competing bid. After further discussion, Kevin Fifer made the motion to provide up to $1200 for mowing before the next Meeting with the current company. Kevin Jones seconded, motion passed unanimously.


The Bills for the month were read, after which Kevin Fifer made a motion to pay the bills. Jenice Howard seconded, the motion passed unanimously.


At 9:53, Kevin Fifer made the motion to adjourn the Meeting, Kevin Jones seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,


Joe Peterson

City Clerk, Belvue KS